Everything Comes Alive




would you not give up the dress that you have set your eyes upon just for your friend whome loved it alot too?
would you spare out some time just to have a chat with your family ?
would you not delete the photo that you looked super unglam in for your friend whom appeared to be fab in it?
would you save a portion of the sumptious looking food to your family/friends instead of finishing every bit of it?
would you love others like how Jesus has loved us?
would you be generous and not calculative in everthing?
would you be just satisfied with what you have ?
would you go the extra mile in helping someone in need to not just let her be alone over there while you are rising up ?
would you be the one creating trouble all the time ,bringing inconvenience to others?

its others not us/its hard to do it.
oh well
happy Vday!:)

and annlynn 's card for aili is fab!
its not me its you !