Everything Comes Alive



stretch your time

be confident

dare to dream

:add on


lethargy has taken over my body.

but right in my mind i know i can do much more.

its just a yes or no.

when everything gets pushed to the very last min

myold habits start kicking away once again.

its not just bout fun lesiure and all.

its the sweat the fire burning in your eyes the step you take.

there's a need for me to start focusing in class

and let my spirit flow and not my flesh.

for when you will moves, you move.

poly aint just bout only bout fun ,though partially

but yeah mylife's bout the destiny and purpose i;ve found in Jesus Christ.

i wanna glorify Him,

for when alone i am not lonely

for when im in trouble He's there

for when im confused He's there to guide me

for He knows he better than i know myself.

yeah . thats it.

i wanna pour out the love He has given me to others.

Making the dreams of others come true.

not mine.

Go Girl!

its been like that since young.

you're just biased.

what can i say?

yeah middle child has no say.

but the love for you 'sstill the same.

sama sama.

love you mum